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A secret offensive plot circulated by hindus of comprehensive genocide against non-hindu buddhists, dalits, muslims and christians.

1, Collect ammunition's for the future use against dalits (downtrodden outcastes).
2. The Ambedkerian dalits and Muslims are potentially dangerous for us.
3. Apply racial segregation policy among dalits and ostracize the Ambedkerian dalits so that they be despised by their own dalit race. Let them squabble among themselves. (The Janjaati of Nepal are caught up in similar conspiracy.)
4. The medical agents should sell slow poison to dalits, Muslims and aadibasis for their extermination.
5. Compel dalits to recite the mantra of  "Om" and the name of Ram. 
6. Discard the anti-hindu lectures and inflict torturer a on those speakers.
7. Impute disgraceful motives in dalits encouraging them to be indulged in alcoholism, prostitution, illegal gambling and drug trafficking. 
8. Distribute poisonous food stuff to dalit students so that they may become important physically and mentally.
9. Encourage and persuade the dalit, muslim and christian girls to promiscuous behavior and prostitution, if necessary compel them to do so. 
10. Teach false hindu history to dalit students exaggerating Hinduism in  schools.
11. On the occasion of agitation perpetrate collective rape without any pity in dalit and muslim area.
12. During agitation time let dalits and muslims be massacred undeer the cover of administration and police force.
13. Spread some rumours that the lacotions of buddhist bihar, mosque and church belonged to hindu temples and eventually capture them one by one. 
14. Write anti-buddhist, anti-muslim and anti-christian literature and publicize them with an attempt if their defamation.
15 Destroy all anti-bahun literature. check their publicity without considering they are right or wrong.
16. Distort the record of dalit workers and check their promotion. 
17. Spread extensively the stories of mythical deities through all means of media.
18. Spread superstition in dalit society through all sorts of sages and sadhus and make them blind devotees.
19. Continue to propagate sanatan hindu faith in baudha, Sikh, Jain and christian communities and proselytize them.
20. Continue to launch an aggressive campaign and attack on Muslim, ambedkerian dalit and christian in an organised way and weaken their confidence. 
21, Protest strongly against the mandal commission, and create confusion against it.
22. Destroy the Monuments of Ambedker at night time. 
23. Engage all dalits in mutual fighting.
24. Study the policy of Chanakya everyday.
25. Take the dalit and muslim girls out on the booze, and snap their naked pictures.
26. Let dalits suffer from malnutrition. Supply adulterated food stuff and alcohol to them.
27. Manipulate the people of backward society for your personal political gain.
28. Do not give the opportunity of electronic media to dalit and backward class.
29. Give money to dalit and Muslim writers so that they may write against the interest of their own people. (In nepal.Sitaram Tamang accepted antisudra untouchable  janajaati (Gypsy) caste for the whole tamang community and other writers accepted janajati identity for their lot.)
30. Businessmen and traders must exploit dalit.
31. Suppress dalits who work against hindus, let them become entangled in mutual fighting. 
32. Finish all anti-hindu elements with the help of police force.
33. Have your regular meetings.
34. Spread Hinduism with the slogal of 'Jai Sree-ram".
35. Read this latter and after memorizing its contents burn it down 

Brahaman Sewak Sangh 
(This latter was published in Indian Hindi magazines also. -writer)  

Source : Writer Dr. Gopal Gurung : In Quest of Mongol Entity and Doctorate (PhD) on MNO Published in March 2001


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