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Showing posts from May, 2017

ब्राह्मणले खेति (काम) नगर्नु, जिउदै शुद्र हुन्छ : बाहुन शास्त्र

पुराणमै लेखिएको छ, 'ब्राह्मणले खेति काम गरेमा महान दोष प्राप्त गर्दछ' (ब्राह्मस्तु कृषि कृत्वामहादोष मवास्नुयात) बाहुन शास्त्रले समेत बाहुनले श्रम गर्न बर्जित गरेको छ l २००७ सात सालतिर बाहुनले हलो समाउदैन थियो भन्ने कुरा त कतिपय बुढा पाकालाई सोधे थाहा लाग्छ l बाहुनले हलो नजोत्नु भनेको कृषि प्रधान देशमा खेति नगर्नु हो l खेति नगरे पछि कसरी पेट पाल्थ्यो मंगोलहरुलाई नै ठगेर गुजारा गर्थ्यो होइनर ? बाहुनको जग्गा नै थिएन l स्वर्गको कथा बेचेर नर्कको भय देखाएर भूमिदानको नाममा मंगोल भुमि लुटे बाहुनको काम सत्ता चलाउने पनि होइन, काम पनि गर्ने होइन भन्ने कुरा त अझ तलको तथ्यले प्रस्ट्याएको छ ऋग्वेदको विभिन्न अध्यायमा उल्लेख भएनुसार ८/१०/१ (अध्यापनाध्ययन यजनं याजनं तथा दानं प्रतिग्रहश्चैव षटकर्माण्यगर्जनः l षष्णां तु कर्मणामस्य त्रीणि कमार्णी जीविका । याजनाध्यापने चैव विशुद्धाश्च प्रतिग्रहः) । मनुस्र्मति, २.११८ (योअनधित्य द्विजो वेदमन्यत्र कुरुते श्रमम् । स जीवन्नेव शूद्रत्वमासु गच्छतिसान्वयः ।) (परादेही शामुल्यं ब्रहमभ्यो विभजावसु ऋग्वेद-१०/८४/२९) । अर्थात् बाहुन धर्मशास्त्रले अध्ययन

How many races are there in the world ?

Most anthropologists recognize that there are three major race classifications in the world. In old days they were called Zapatize, Semetic, Hemetic, but nowadays they are termed as Mongoloid, Caucasian and Negroid. The Mongoloids were of yellow feature, the Caucasian were of white feature, and the Negroids were of black feature. The surrounding places of Shivalig Mountains were the original places of the Mongoloids. Those original plac es lie within the periphery of modern China, Nepal and India. The Aryans (who are also called Brahamins) had spread out from Caucacious mountains. The Caucacious Mountains lie between Caspian see and Black see, and they are in Russia these days. When the Haiti rulers invaded them before 19th century BC, a huge crowd of them fled from their original place and settled down in Iran for over four hundred years. Afterwards a branch of their race crossed Sindhu valley, plundering and terrorising others until they reached India. That was the history of 15th c